Staff and Services

Staff Profiles

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that are working with you.

Ashley Kaartinen


Financial Counsellor

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Ashley Kaartinen

Ashley Kaartinen


Financial Counsellor

Please note: Ashley is currently away on sick leave. In her absence, please contact us directly if you are looking for Financial Counselling Supports.


Can Help With:
Filing your income tax return, financial counselling/navigation, and financial literacy education including detailed information on: budgeting (income and expenses), credit and debt, saving, loans and contracts, and exploring most financial areas of interest.

Favourite Quote
All you can do for another person is be an environment in which if they wanted to come up for air, they could.” – Ram Dass

Post-secondary diploma or degree: Accredited Financial Counselor Canada® (AFCC), Bachelor of Human Ecology degree: Family Social Sciences with Major Concentration in Family Economic Health (U of M), and Child & Youth Care Diploma (RRC)

3 fun facts about me:

  • I am an introvert and the middle child with two brothers
  • I love discussing the mysteries of the universe.
  • My favourite activities are camping and Folkfest

Ashley Riazanov


Indigenous Youth Service Navigator

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Ashley Riazanov

Ashley Riazanov


Indigenous Youth Service Navigator

CURRENTLY ON LEAVE - If you are in need of Service Navigation supports, contact

Can Help With: Connecting youth with cultural events such as sharing circles, medicine walks, sweat lodges, language and other workshops. I can also assist with navigating services throughout the province. I can provide advocacy in situations where your needs and voices should be met. Help with applications, getting ID, housing, referrals to services and resources, mental health, and substance use system navigation, and understanding government systems work.

FavouriteQuote: “It’s okay to fall apart sometimes, tacos do, and we still love them.”

Post-secondary pathway:

  • University of Winnipeg- Bachelor of Arts
  • Red River College- Early Childhood Education Diploma (Honours)


3 fun facts about me:

  • I love the beach.
  • I’m a soccer mama.
  • I strongly believe summer is the superior season.


Evan Forest


Outreach Coordinator

204-987-8661 ext. 671
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Evan Forest

Evan Forest


Outreach Coordinator

Can Help With
Support high school and under-18 students to create post-secondary plans and community presentations

Favourite Quote – “When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.” – Abraham Joshua Heschel

Post-secondary diploma or degree – Bachelor of Science, Honours, in Psychology from the University of Manitoba

3 fun facts about me:

  • My favourite season is summer
  • My favourite sports team is the Phoenix Suns
  • My favourite movie is Twister (1996)

Financial Counsellor


Financial Counsellor

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Financial Counsellor

Financial Counsellor


Financial Counsellor

Kindly contact us directly if interested in accessing financial counselling supports through our program.

Jade Richardson


Post-Secondary Education Advisor

204- 987-8661 ext. 672
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Jade Richardson

Jade Richardson


Post-Secondary Education Advisor

Can Help With: Identifying post-secondary programs, support in applying, finding scholarships or other funding options, answering questions about adult education or upgrading courses and general post-secondary planning. 

Favourite Quote: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” —Winston Churchill 

Post-Secondary Pathway: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Winnipeg  

Three fun facts: My favorite comfort-binge TV show is Superstore; I collect anything frog-related & my favorite takeout meal is the Fully Loaded Fries from Wok Box (seriously – so good!)  

Jason Fillmore

Student Support Case Manager

204-987-8661 Ext. 678
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Jason Fillmore

Jason Fillmore

Student Support Case Manager

Can Help With
Support for Tuition-Waiver students such as navigating between post-secondary schools, living supports (Workplace, Training and Employment) and social workers. I also help with applications for living support, scholarships and bursaries

Jessica Cohen

Employment Facilitator

204-987-8661 ext 662
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Jessica Cohen

Jessica Cohen

Employment Facilitator

Can Help With
Resume and cover letter writing, job searching/exploration and interview preparation (including mock interviews).

Kristin Millar

Kristin Millar


Mental Health Clinician

Can Help With: No cost, accessible low barrier mental health counselling to to assist with mental health and wellness, attachment, and life transitions. I can be flexible with when/where sessions occur to best meet participant's need. I can also help with group sessions and life skills workshops. 

Favourite Quote: " Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny." CS Lewis

Post Secondary Pathway: Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Sociology, Bachelor of Social work, and currently completing a Master of Marriage and Family Therapy

3 Fun Facts: 

1) I’ve been hit by lightning.
2) I lived as a cyborg without a pulse for almost 2 years (unrelated to point #1).
3) I will defend pistachio as the best ice cream flavour to the end of time.



Santiago Greico

(any pronouns)

Youth Service Navigator

204 292 5261
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Santiago Greico

Santiago Greico

(any pronouns)

Youth Service Navigator

Can Help With:

I can assist you with navigating services throughout the province. I can provide advocacy in situations where your needs and voices should be met. Help with applications, getting ID, housing, referrals to services and resources, mental health, and substance use system navigation, and understanding government systems work.

Favourite Quote:

“I’m trying to do better than good enough.” -Drake

Post-secondary pathway:

Addictions and Community Services Worker Diploma - CDI College. Current U of M student.

3 fun facts about me:

  • I play NHL habitually.
  • I like to watch cartoons.
  • I have a wide taste in all music.