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Government Assistance

Government Financial Support

The Manitoba and Canadian government have several support programs to help you when you are not able to obtain employment. These programs might provide additional services like emergency funding, health and dental support, and funeral expenses. 

Employment Income Assistance (EIA)

 EIA assistance is for folks whose total cost of their family’s monthly basic needs and housing costs are more than their total income. The government does not consider debt, cell phones, cable, subscriptions, or car expenses as basic needs.


  • Between 18 – 65 years old
  • Live in Manitoba
  • Not eligible for disability services
  • In financial need
  • Assets are $3,999 or less
  • Willing to look for work

What you Receive

  • basic needs support
  • Essential health care needs
  • Job Search Support
  • Childcare expenses

How to Apply

  1. Book an appointment. 
    1. Online: fill out an EIA intake form (opens in new window).
    2. In person (Winnipeg only): No dependents go to 111 Rorie Street. If you have dependants then go to 128 Market Avenue. (Outside of Winnipeg): Find the nearest location to you here (opens in new window).
    3. By phone: In Winnipeg call (204) 948-4000. Outside of Winnipeg call 1-855-944-811. Deaf or hard of hearing call 1-800-855-0511.
  2. Gather important documents and information (opens in new window).
      • 2 Pieces of ID. Acceptable ID includes a birth certificate, any government-issued picture ID, Health care card, and Social Insurance Number.
      • Copy of your rental agreement or lease if you have one.
      • Copy of your utility bills, if you pay utilities.
      • Pay stubs from your current employer. Or Pay stubs and Record of Employment if you don’t have a job, a pay stub from the last place you worked.
      • Reason for not being able to work.
        • Medical reasons: you will need to provide a letter from a medical professional stating why you can’t work and when they expect you can go back to work.
        • Probation: you will need to provide a copy of your Recognizance Order.
        • Student: you will need to provide proof of enrollment, confirmation of attendence and progress, a copy of report card or transcripts, and sponsorship funding. 
      • Banking Information: copy of your bank statement(s) from the last 60 days. Copy of any payday loans.
      • Assets: assets are property that holds value and can be sold later, such as a car or property. If you have assets you need to bring proof of assets. 
  3. Attend your appointment. In your intake appointment, you will be asked to speak about your current situation. Some of the things you might be asked are:
    1. you and your family’s situation (children, spouse or partner)
    2. your housing situation (rent, experiencing homelessness, transitional housing)
    3. your income (money you earn or get from another source)
    4. your assets (savings, investments, items of value)
    5. your education & work experience and status.
    6. your plans to find work
    7. any medical conditions and health needs that may keep you from working
    8. any legal problems you have

Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities (EAPD)

This Program Helps You Explore 

    • Type of jobs they would be suited for 
    • Your barriers to employment 
    • Identify what employment and training supports 
    • How to navigate services and supports. 


      • A resident of Manitoba
      • At least one of the following disabilities: psychiatric, learning, and intellectual disabilities, physical, including hearing-related disabilities, spinal cord injuries, Vision Loss Rehabilitation – vision-related disabilities

      • 16 years of age or older 
      • Able to work in Manitoba

    What you Receive

      • Basic living expenses
      • They work with employers to make your work environment more accessible 
      • Provides training that meets the needs of the job you want 
      • Staff to help you with job searching, resume building and other employment skills.

    How to Apply

    1. Gather important documents and information.
        • 2 Pieces of ID. Acceptable ID includes a birth certificate, any government-issued picture ID, Health care card, and Social Insurance Number.
        • Copy of your diagnosis written by a medical doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist.
        • Name and contact information of any disability support you currently receive.
        • Education information: this includes your past and current schools.
        • Employment goals: this includes your goals, challenges and supports you need to accomplish your goals.
        • Transportation information: this includes how you travel (bus or vehicle), if you are eligible to drive, and travel alone.
        • Work experience: this includes your most recent employer and previous employment (maximum 2) or if you have no work experience.
    2. Complete the application (opens in new window).
    3. Submit your application 

    Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Provincial Services Branch 260–800 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3G 0N4 Fax: 204-948-1008

    or by email

    Community Living Disability Services (CLDS)

    What You Receive from CLDS 

        • The space to talk about your goals and wishes, with program staff and your existing support network 
        • The information you need about available services/supports and funding options 
        • The encouragement to make decisions about your own life, including which programs you want to be involved with  
        • The amount of support you need to be happy and healthy while being active in your community and making new connections  


            • Have faced significant barriers to learning and completing daily tasks by yourself since a young age (before turning 18). For example, you require someone to help you meet your basic needs such as bathing, cooking, and cleaning.
            • Are 18 years of age or older
            • A Manitoba resident 
            • Are a Canadian Citizen and/or legally able to permanently live and work in Canada  
            • Have an established permanent residence off-reserve in Manitoba prior to referral or request for services (if you are of registered treaty status in Manitoba) 

      How to Apply 

      Step 1: Gather important documents

        • Clinical Assessment Report is a behavioural assessment from your physician, registered psychologist, or school psychologist. They will be assessing your abilities and disabilities based on the following criteria:
            • Do you have a disability that makes you eligible for CLDS
            • How are you at feeding yourself;
            • Are you able to take care of yourself living alone?
            • Are you able to work, how much and what special accommodations you might need?
            • Is your safety at risk without additional support?
            • The length of time you’ve been facing these challenges.

      Step 2: Download and fill out the application form (opens in new window):  

            • You do not have to be the one who applies for CLDS support/services. If you feel more comfortable having a trusted individual do so with your consent, such as a CFS worker, teacher/EA/guidance counsellor, a doctor or nurse, or a community agency support worker, they can. 

      Step 3: Visit a CLDS office (opens in a new window)with your completed application and submit it in person to an available worker. You can also call ahead to the closest location, to see when the best time to come in would be and/or if its staff prefers to have applications sent via mail. 

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