Transitional Housing
What is Transitional Housing?
Transitional housing provides you with a supportive living environment during your transition into adulthood. This kind of housing is available for folks aging out of care, folks experiencing homelessness, or folks having difficulties maintaining stable housing.
If you are still in care and feel like transition housing would benefit you, talk to your social worker. You have a right to be included in your transition plan. If you are no longer in care, you are still eligible for transitional housing.
Benefits of Transitional Housing
- Support staff to talk to
- Low-cost housing
- People to socialize with
- Your own private room to sleep in
- Meals or food support
- Life skills training
- Can be long or short term
Youth in Care Transitional Housing
SAIL Program
The Supported Advancement to Independent Living (SAIL) program gives you a safe place to live while getting life skills training to prepare you to live on your own. You can stay in this program and in your own apartment for over 1 year.
- 16 years or older
- Currently in care
- Will not be returning to parents upon exiting care
How to apply
1. Ask your social worker to refer you to the SAIL program by contacting:
Dawn VandalDirector, SAIL ProgramTelephone: 204-339-1951Fax: 204-334-4173Email: sail@knowlescentre.org
2. Attend a meeting with staff, your current caregiver or staff where you are living, and your social worker to create a plan to meet your needs.
What can I expect?
The SAIL program is a 3-stage program which means there is support to help you meet your goals and responsibilities.
Stage 1
This stage starts before you move out of your current place. This stage is a time for you to gather household items for your move into your own suite with the SAIL program. Every youth who is transitioning out of care is entitled to receive money from CFS for household items. This typically ranges from $500-$1000.
Stage 2
This is the stage when you move into your own apartment. Each apartment has 24-hour support staff. Most apartments are located in south-east Winnipeg. This is the stage where you identify your strengths and goals, make plans for being able to support yourself, and work towards those goals.
Stage 3
This is the stage where you move out on your own, but you still have a support worker to help you in this transition.
RAY Optional Occupancy Mentorship (ROOM)
ROOM transitional housing provides long-term safe apartments to youth on an Agreement with Young Adults (AYA)/ Extension of Care.
- Receiving Agreement with Young Adults (AYA)/ Extension of Care.
- Be between 18-21 years old
How to apply
Ask your CFS worker to fill out this form (opens in new window) and submit it.
What to expect
- Meet with ROOM staff and your CFS worker to make goals and plans on how to achieve them.
- Life skills training
- Support with education, employment and training
- Long-term support
Long-Term Transitional Housing
Red Road Lodge
The Red Road Lodge provides
• Limited stays from 3 months to 3 years
• Addressing issues related to homelessness
• Help build a support network
• Skill building
- Have an experience with substance misuse
- Be sober or free from substance use
- Participate in life skills workshops
- Must be receiving EIA or EIA Disability
- Agree to participate in a relapse prevention program
- Agree to room inspections
- Agree to 2 hours of volunteer service at the lodge per week
- Have one piece of ID (doesn’t have to be a picture)
How to apply
- Fill out the online application (opens in new window)
Pan Am Place (Male only)
Pan Am Place offers at-risk males aged 18-29 a supportive living environment by helping, supporting, and providing housing to young men who need direction and assistance.
The program offers support in self-esteem and social skills, a healthier mind and body, and a sense of discipline.
Pan Am Place operates on a merit-based model.
- Identify as a male
- Be between 18-29 years old
How to apply
- Fill out the online application (opens in new window)