First Nation, Métis & Inuit Resources


Cultural Programming

Connecting to community, culture, and language are some of the ways to heal, gain self-confidence and feel a sense of belonging.

The Futures Forward program offers weekly Indigenous cultural programs at the Huddle – Broadway. Check out their website to learn more.

Youth Programs

MYTEAM - Ka Ni Kanichihk

Through mentorship and group activities, MYTEAM provides a range of services intended to identify and address your strengths and needs for support and skill development in the areas of education, training, finances, housing, employment, self-development, child care, and basic living skills.

Program Eligibility

    • Are 6 to 21 years of age,
    • Are in (or recently left) the care of Child and Family Services as a Permanent Ward, on Temporary Order, or under a Voluntary Placement Agreement.
    • Be eligible for, or already enrolled in Employment and Income Assistance (EIA)
    • Be willing to develop an individual plan with goals of living on your own or with a roommate
    • Be interested in education and/or employment training
    • Be willing to work closely with a mentor
    • Be ready and willing to make a commitment to the program for at least one year
    • Live in Winnipeg

Program Activities

    • Mentorship to support you with training and/or educational goals
    • Work experiences that could lead to long-term career opportunities
    • Resources to help youth find and keep suitable housing
    • Help in the search for child care and other important resources
    • Support to help you deal with life issues as they arise
    • Opportunity to develop skills, knowledge, and personal supports (money management, healthy living, and personal relationships)

How to Apply

You can refer yourself or ask staff from one of the organizations below to make a referral to MYTEAM for you

    • CFS workers
    • EIA workers
    • Community Organizations
    • Educational Institutions
    • Self-referral

Self-referral form (opens in a new window)

Worker referral form (opens in a new window)

for the; or by calling
(204) 594-6500
For more information, contact MYTEAM’s
program coordinator at:
(204) 594-6500 ext: 104

Future is Yours program - Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre

What the Program Offers:

    • Skills, training, and volunteer experience
    • Summer employment through the City of Winnipeg’s Recreation Department and Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata’s own Green Team
    • Workshops such as suicide awareness and prevention, healthy relationships, community awareness, and how to develop self-confidence and leadership abilities

Eligibility Criteria:

    • Indigenous
    • 15-24 years old

How to Apply:

  1. Download and print the application (opens in a new window)
  2. Email completed applications to Cheyenne Hotomani (opens in new window)with “Futures Is Yours Program Application” noted in the email’s subject line.

Eagle Nest Youth Program - Eagle Urban Training Centre

The program runs in “3 phases” throughout the year:

    • January to April
    • May to August
    • September to December

What the Program Gives You:

    • Reach professional and personal goals related to school or finding work.
    • Key certifications – Non-Violent Crisis Intervention/Critical Incident Management, Food Handlers, First Aid/CPR, Mental Health First Aid, and Business Ethics
    • Life Skills – Cooking classes and nutrition, healthy lifestyles and awareness of addictions, literacy, group reading and speaking in public, and cultural teachings and ceremonies (e.g. sweat lodges, sharing circles, medicine wheel, medicine gatherings, wild game preparation, drumming/singing and language)
    • Professional guidance – how to build a portfolio, resume writing, interview preparation and practice, where to gain volunteer experience, how to explore the hidden job market online
    • Education guidance – Goal setting both short term and long term, going on educational and informative tours with inner-city universities and colleges, training sites. 


    • Live in Winnipeg
    • Indigenous
    • 15-30 years old
    • Out of school and or unemployed
    • On Employment Income Assistance (EIA)
    • Willing to go through personal development 
    • Have the goals of living independently, finding stable work, or returning to school to finish their diploma and/or begin a post-secondary/trades level program
    • Be able to commit to a 12-week program on a full-time basis (Monday to Friday),

How to Apply:

There are two ways you can apply:

  • Get a copy of the program’s application to fill out by
      • dropping by Eagle Urban Transition Centre’s location (2nd floor of their office at 275 Portage Avenue) or
      • calling 204-954-3050


  • Your CFS worker can directly refer you. 

All successful applicants will be contacted by one of the Program’s Coordinators once their decision is made.

Looking for help?

Ashley Riazanov

Ashley Riazanov

Indigenous Youth Service Navigator

CURRENTLY ON LEAVE - If you are in need of Service Navigation supports, contact

Can Help With: Connecting youth with cultural events such as sharing circ...

Read Bio
Ashley Riazanov

Ashley Riazanov


Indigenous Youth Service Navigator

CURRENTLY ON LEAVE - If you are in need of Service Navigation supports, contact

Can Help With: Connecting youth with cultural events such as sharing circles, medicine walks, sweat lodges, language and other workshops. I can also assist with navigating services throughout the province. I can provide advocacy in situations where your needs and voices should be met. Help with applications, getting ID, housing, referrals to services and resources, mental health, and substance use system navigation, and understanding government systems work.

FavouriteQuote: “It’s okay to fall apart sometimes, tacos do, and we still love them.”

Post-secondary pathway:

  • University of Winnipeg- Bachelor of Arts
  • Red River College- Early Childhood Education Diploma (Honours)


3 fun facts about me:

  • I love the beach.
  • I’m a soccer mama.
  • I strongly believe summer is the superior season.