Paying for Post-Secondary School
What are my Options?
There are several ways that you can pay for your post-secondary journey: Tuition Waiver program, bursaries & scholarships, sponsorship, and Loans. Scroll down to learn about your options and check out our comprehensive Scholarship Guide (see below) for more opportunities.
Scholarships and Bursaries
There are an incredible number of scholarships and bursaries available to students. Some are internal (offered by your post-secondary institution) and some are external (sponsored by non-profits, government, or companies).
Scholarships are funds given to an applicant to pay for school. Scholarships are often ‘merit-based’, and focus on academic performance, community involvement, volunteering, leadership, or other qualities.
Bursaries are funds given to an applicant to pay for school, and while may be based on merit also include a ‘financial need’ component. This means that applicants who have a greater financial need may be a higher priority applicant.
Apply for as many scholarships and bursaries as you can – every bit of money helps, and many scholarships and bursaries go unclaimed each year! A little bit of work can have a huge impact.
Looking for scholarships and bursaries? Check out the 2025 Futures Forward Scholarship Guide.
Futures Forward Scholarship Guide (opens in a new window)
Youth in Care Tuition Waiver Program
Ten colleges and universities in Manitoba provide bursaries to current and former youth in care. These bursaries can cover a substantial amount or the full cost of your tuition for an eligible degree, diploma, or certificate program. The number of available awards depends on the school you want to apply to.
Please note that Waivers are not guaranteed, and Futures Forward does not make any decisions on who receives a Waiver. Futures Forward processes Tuition Waiver applications and sends them to the appropriate institutions for selection.
Tuition Waiver students are also eligible for financial support that helps with living expenses, books, supplies, transportation and mandatory health and dental fees.
- You are a current or former youth in care in Manitoba (no age or care status restrictions).
- You have a letter proving that you have CFS care experience in Manitoba. If you need help getting this letter, contact Futures Forward’s Post-Secondary Advisor.
Note: there are no age restrictions on tuition waivers at all participating post-secondary schools.
Rules and Responsibilities
- Achieve a minimum of a 2.0 GPA.
- Maintain full-time studies (18 credit hours or 60% course load). Exceptions can be made for folks with disabilities.
- Must meet with the academic supports at your school, the Futures Forward Student Support Case Manager, and Career Development Counsellor.
How to apply
- Check out the program you want to apply to and make sure you meet the program admission requirements.
- Apply directly to the participating college or university before March 1 so you are accepted into your program at the same time as your waiver.
- Apply for full-time studies (at least 18 credit hours per year or 60% course load) or part-time studies for individuals with a verified permanent disability.
- Fill out the tuition waiver application between Jan. 1 and March 31 every year. Each institution’s tuition waiver application is linked below in “Tuition Waiver Schools”.
Financial support
Financial support is provided by a provincial government program called Workforce, Training, and Employment (WTE). You will be connected with a worker called a Career Development Counsellor (CDC), who will help you receive the financial support available to you while you are on a tuition waiver.
Financial support includes:
- Books
- Supplies
- Living support
- Computer
- Mandatory health and dental fees not covered by your school
- Childcare
- Transportation
- Tutoring
Tuition Waiver Schools
Assiniboine College (AC)
2025 Tuition Waiver Application Form – Assiniboine College
AC offers an unlimited number of tuition waivers and has no time limit on how long you can remain on your waiver.
Does not include:
Booth University College (Booth)
2025 Tuition Waiver Application – Booth University College
Booth offers one Tuition Waiver total, and you must complete your program within six years.
Does not include:
Brandon University (BU)
2025 Tuition Waiver Application – Brandon University
BU offers 20 Tuition Waivers total, so the number of awards offered per year may vary. The Waiver is available for six years total or a maximum of 120 credits.
Does not include:
Canadian Mennonite University (CMU)
2025 Tuition Waiver Application – CMU
CMU sponsors one Tuition Waiver student at a time and you must renew your waiver each year. The Waiver is available for five years total or a maximum of 120 credits.
What’s covered?
Does not include:
Manitoba Institute for Trades and Technology (MITT)
2025 Tuition Waiver Application – MITT
MITT offers a total of four Tuition Waivers each year. There is no time limit on how long you can remain on your waiver.
Does not include:
Red River College Polytechnic (RRC Polytech)
2025 Tuition Waiver Application – Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech offers 20 Tuition Waivers each year, with a quota of awards allotted for students from each CFS authority as well as both current and former youth in care. There is no time limit on how long you can remain on your waiver, but you must renew your Waiver each year.
Does not include:
University College of the North (UCN)
2025 Tuition Waiver Application – UCN
UCN offers five Tuition Waivers each year and has no time limit on how long you can remain on your waiver, but you must renew your waiver each year. The waiver is available for six years total or maximum 120 credits.
Does not include:
Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
2025 Tuition Waiver Application – Université de Saint-Boniface
USB sponsors 5 Tuition Waiver students at a time. The length of the Waiver depends on the length of your program and maxes out at 120 credits. You must apply to renew your Waiver each year.
A 2-year program will need to be completed in 3 years;
A 3-year program will need to be completed in 5 years;
A 4-year program will need to be completed in 6 years.
Does not include:
University of Manitoba (UM)
2025 Tuition Waiver Application – University of Manitoba
UM offers ten Tuition Waivers per year. The tuition waiver must be renewed each year and is available for four years total.
Does not include:
University of Winnipeg (UW)
2025 Tuition Waiver Application – University of Winnipeg
UW offers 30 Tuition Waivers in total, which means the yearly availability will change each year. On average, 3-7 spots open each year. You must renew your Waiver each year and must complete your program within six years.
Does not include:
I received a Tuition Waiver! Now what?
This information will be shared with you by the Student Support Case Manager.
Here is a to-do list that needs to be done before classes start:
- Wait for a letter from your college or university informing you that you received a tuition waiver. This will come by email or mail. Check your junk folder often.
- Contact the Student Support Case Manager (SSCM) and sign up to get money for rent, books, supplies, transportation, and other benefits. Tell them you have received a letter from the school saying you received a tuition waiver.
- Collect important documents for your appointment with the SSCM. If you can’t find all of these you will get help in your appointment to find them.
- Attend an appointment with the SSCM. At this appointment, you will discuss Workforce Training and Employment (WTE), provide your documents and provided forms to sign. WTE is a government program that provides you with financial support while on your tuition waiver. Once your application is complete you will receive an email from a CDC for your first appointment.
- Make an appointment and meet with Student Services if you are going to the following schools:
- Make an appointment and meet with an Academic Advisor if you are going to the following schools:
- Meet with the Career Development Counsellor (CDC). Soon after you complete your application for WTE, you will receive an email with the name, contact information and appointment time with your CDC.
- In this meeting, you will be asked to complete a participant agreement. This will have to be signed in order to receive payments. Don’t have a printer? Ask for it to be mailed to you. In this agreement, you will discuss your needs like books, supplies, transportation, and childcare.
- You can complete steps 4, 5 and 6 at the same time or at your own pace.
Missing any of these steps could result in your waiver being cancelled.
Some of the supports you are entitled to when you are receiving a tuition waiver and WTE funding including:
Other things to know about the WTE program for tuition waiver students:
- This money is taxable income unless you are receiving an AYA (opens in new window).
- You will have to find a second source of income, as the WTE payments will not cover all your expenses. For a single person, you will receive approximately $835 per month, after taxes.
- When school ends, you are entitled to four weeks to look for employment. This includes summer break.
- If you take a minimum of 1 course over the summer related to your program you can continue receiving this support.
- If you are not in school the expectation is that you will look for work unless your school break is 4 weeks or less.
- If you are on EI or EIA you will be asked to provide your worker’s information. If you are eligible for EI, you will be provided the option to activate your EI (which is often more money). However, should you quit school you will not be eligible to reapply for EI.
- You can receive this money and Band funding and not have money deducted from WTE.
School has started, now what?
- If anything changes, you need to let the SSCM know. This includes circumstances like dropping classes, catching a long illness, failing tests or papers, or a change in your family structure (eg. having a child). All these things can impact your waiver, including additional support.
- Check in with your CDC after your midterms and at the end of each semester.
- Check in with your academic advisor if you are struggling. The resources that schools offer might surprise you.
Sponsorship comes from an organization, such as a First Nation band, the Manitoba Metis Federation, or the Manitoba Government. Sponsorship can cover tuition, and books and give you a living allowance that does not have to be paid back. Sponsorship could vary depending on your need, the financial ability of the organization, and other criteria.
Learn more about sponsorship
The Workforce, Training and Development program (opens in a new window) assists people who need training to find employment by providing financial help while attending training (opens in a new window) 12 to 52 weeks/2 years in high-demand occupations (opens in a new window). This program will not pay for tuition.
Contact your local Manitoba Jobs and Skills Development Centre (opens in a new window) (MSJD) to make an appointment.
In Winnipeg: 204-945-0575
Toll-Free (outside Winnipeg): 1-866-332-5077
Student Loans
Student Loans can come from the government or a bank, however the loan money has to be paid back. When applying for Manitoba Student Aid, you are assessed for both an interest-free loan as well as grants and bursaries. You will have six months after school ends to find a job and start paying the loan back.
Your can ask your bank for a line of credit or a loan to pay for school. These loans have to be paid back regularly and have interest rates.
Manitoba Student Aid
Manitoba Student Aid (MSA) provides money for post-secondary studies through loans, bursaries, and grants. In order to receive the bursaries and grants you have to apply for a loan.
1) Create an account (opens in new window). You will need your social insurance number to create an account.
2) Submit the application in the online portal. This process can take up to two weeks to be approved. You can still log in and check your application status.
3) Review your assessment. Keep checking your email until you receive one from MSA to check your account. When you enter your account after this email, check the following tabs: My Award information, my required information, and my assessment details.
4) Submit all the required documents: